[Translate to EN:] Konzept der Informations- und Cyber-Sicherheit  und Verschlüsselung, sicherer Zugang zu den persönlichen Daten der Nutzer, sicherer Internetzugang, Cyber-Sicherheit.


    Marquardt is committed to developing products and services that meet the highest security standards. Likewise, when operating our own systems, we strive to implement and maintain a high standard of information security. As proof of this, we are TISAX certified. You can find the locations and how to obtain the proofs under
    "Downloads and Certificates".

    Report security breach

    To better protect our customers and their data, we welcome tips from security professionals and other members of the security community about potential security vulnerabilities.

    We work with all contributors and will honor relevant contributions accordingly. We ask that security vulnerabilities be reported at informationsecurity@marquardt.com:

    • Encrypt your message using the key
    Download Key (4 KB, ASC)
    • The key ID is: 0x56A2F302.
    • The PGP fingerprint is: 6D01 4FAC 2976 1FE4 943F 9A1B 6E11 57CD 56A2 F302.

    We need the following information from you. We assure you that your report will be treated confidentially.

    • Name or pseudonym
    • Date when the vulnerability was discovered
    • Product or software affected by the vulnerability
    • Product serial number (if available)
    • A complete and accurate description of the vulnerability
    • The tools you needed to analyze it.
    • Required steps to reproduce the vulnerability, for example as a systematic description, a video, a screenshot, etc.
    • Do you have any suggestions for solutions or do you want to help us to close the vulnerability? Let us know your suggestions.

    Marquardt may not be able to follow up on incomplete leads or leads that do not include the information listed above.

    The Marquardt security team will acknowledge receipt of your report within three business days. We will work with internal teams to verify the discovery and provide you with timely updates or request additional information.

    By reporting a security breach, you agree to Marquardt's Privacy Policy.


    Marquardt Management SE
    Schloss-Straße 16
    78604 Rietheim-Weilheim